What Is 25Live?
25Live is an advanced scheduling application built for SaaS on an updated coding and deployment platform. For more see About 25Live.
General Functionality
What are the recommended browsers for 25Live?
For the most up to date information, please see the Series25 Technical Specifications.
How do I run reports in 25Live?
If you have permissions to access 25Live Reports, you can navigate there through the 25Live More menu under Go to Tool.
Is 25Live accessible for keyboards and screen readers?
Yes, and we are actively working to make all 25Live tools more accessible. Please see our accessibility page for information. If you encounter any accessibility issues, please report them to our support team.
Additionally, you can request a VPAT by emailing your account manager at series25implementation@collegenet.com.
Why do only some of the assigned locations and resources appear on the event details page?
The summary above event details lists the first three locations and resources. To see everything assigned, view the Occurrences tab.
How do you schedule events with different times for each occurrence?
Individual occurrence times can be set in through the event form or inline editing. For more information, please see Viewing and Editing Event Occurrences.
How do blackouts work in 25Live?
See Managing Blackouts.
How do I use inline editing?
For information of how each type of inline editing fields is used, please see Inline Editing Details Fields.
How do I upload images to events for use with published calendars?
You can use the Detail Image and Event Image custom attributes as described here: Custom Attributes for Publisher Images.
How do you edit a search in 25Live?
In the search area, select a saved search and click the toggle over to Advanced to add or remove criteria. Then, save your changes. For more information, please see Using Saved and Shared Searches.
There is an Always Share option administrators can turn on for locations. Does this setting apply everyone who has access to schedule the location?
Yes. Locations that are set to Always Share will always be available to reserve and will never encounter conflicts, regardless of individual user permissions. For more information, please see Permanently Sharing a Location.
The 25Live Event Form
Can I customize the behaviors of specific editors in the event form?
You can control which editors appear and which are required. Additional information:
- WYSIWYG rich text options in the event description cannot be customized.
- The Create Organization link is visible for any user with Functional Security permission that allows them to create organizations and cannot be hidden.
- The Spans Midnight checkbox in the date/time editor cannot be hidden.
What happens to an unsaved event when you click the browser Back button?
If you navigate away from an unsaved event you can click on the Event Form button found at the header to get back to the event you were working on, or you can click on your browser Back button to get back to the event.
Is there a way to see an event or location that I recently viewed?
You can also use the Recently Viewed dropdown menu to find any objects that you have recently visited but clicked away from.
Are instructions always hidden in the Event Form?
Custom text for editor instructions is hidden behind an information icon and does not appear until it is clicked. Administrators can make some or all custom information blocks visible for users in the event form configurations. For more information, please see Creating and Editing Custom Event Form Configurations in 25Live.
Where can you edit occurrence comments, specific occurrence start and end time, or remove occurrence?
You can use the Manage Occurrences button in the event form or inline editing from the Occurrences tab of the event to make adjustments to specific occurrences. For more information, please see Viewing and Editing Event Occurrences.
How do I make an event with multiple occurrences on the same day?
Below the Repeating Pattern button in the event form, click on the date on the calendar in which you want to make multiple occurrences and a modal will appear. Change the occurrence times on the first occurrence and click on the Add Occurrence button. A new occurrence for that specific date will appear. Once you have added all your occurrences you can close the modal.
How do I make an event with multiple occurrences on the same day with different locations?
Once you have selected your desired locations in the event form, click 'View Occurrence' for each location and choose which dates you want the location assigned to.
Event Save Email Feature
What is the difference between Event Save Emails and the email notifications that are available in Group Administration?
Notification emails only trigger when tasks are created or completed, and their message text is not customizable. Event Save Emails can be triggered via multiple actions and are highly customizable.
Can you set up an Event Save Email Template but not send it immediately in order to review the contents before sending?
Yes, a manual template option is available when configuring emails.