Security Note
To cancel an event, you need to have Edit security permissions for the event as well as permission to use the Cancelled event state.
Express Scheduling events may be cancelled without access to this event state as long as the following are true:
- The user is the Requestor contact role
- The user is able to edit the event
Generally, these are both usually true for the user who created the Express Scheduling event.
If the event you’re cancelling includes assigned/approved locations and resources, you may need unassigned rights to those objects in order to cancel or deny the event. Talk to your 25Live administrator if you feel you need more permissions. For reference, more about assignment policy and object security can be found at:
When an event is cancelled, all its location and resource assignments are immediately released for re-assignment. The cancelled event is still stored in the Series25 database.
To Cancel a Single Occurrence/Non-Repeating Event Using the Event State Dropdown
Change the state from the event's details view.
From the event's details view, use the Event State dropdown to change the state.
Image: A quick way to cancel a single event is to use the State drop-down in the event details.
To Cancel a Single Occurrence/Non-Repeating Event by Editing the Event
1. Use the More Actions Display in the Event Details View
Use either the Edit Event link or the More Actions display option to open the event in full editing mode.
2. Change the Event State
While in editing mode in the Event Form, scroll down to the Event State field, and choose the Cancelled event state.
Image: Editing the Event State to cancel an event using the new Event Form.
Tip: If You Don't Have Cancellation Permission
If you do not have permission to change the Event State, you may see a Request Cancellation button. Use this button to create a task for the event owner/scheduler to cancel the event with a due date of the day of your request.
3. Save the Cancelled Event
Use the Save button to complete cancelling the event.
Note: Reversing a Cancellation
If you need to restore an event that has been cancelled, you can change the state again from the event details view (with appropriate security permissions). You'll need to edit the event to restore any discarded location or resource assignments.
To Cancel Individual Occurrences of a Repeating Event
To cancel specific event occurrences, edit the event and change the status of each occurrence to Cancelled.
Image: Cancel occurrences in the Status column.
Tip: Cancelling Express Scheduling Events
If an event was created using Express Scheduling, the requesting user can cancel the event if it has not already occurred.