Browsing List, Calendar, and Availability Views

25Live provides you with three default personal views where you can see a list, calendar, or availability grid of your starred events and locations and saved searches.

Getting to Your Default Views

Use the More menu in the top navigation bar to get to your personal views. 

More menu in the top navigation bar

List, calendar, and availability views in the more menu

Choose from:

  • List
  • Calendar
  • Availability

Viewing Your Event List

The List view shows your starred events by default, but you can also use the top dropdown list to view saved search lists. List items are presented in a list within a table. There are several controls and options available to change the results, order, and view of search results.

To View Additional Pages of Search Results in List View

Pagination controls in list viewImage: Use controls at the bottom of the list to navigate and change how many items are displayed per page. 

There are navigation controls at the bottom of the list where you can go to the next page, the last page, or jump to other pages of results. You can also choose how many results display on each page.

To Change the Date of the List View 

The date picker has arrows on either side to increment the dateImage: Use the date picker to choose which date to display in the List view. 

Click on the date to reveal a date picker, then choose the desired date.

To Sort Items in List View

Many columns in the list table can be used to sort results. Click on a column title to see if the column is sortable. If so, the data will sort in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.

Columns in list viewImage: The column that the items are sorted by will display in bold. 

To View Additional Details of Items in List View

Titles as links in list viewImage: Any information that is underlined will link to more details. 

Click on the names of events, locations, resources, and more to go to each item's details view. Any piece of information in the list table that is a link to more details is underlined.

Viewing Your Event Calendar

Calendar on mobileImage: The calendar view on narrow, mobile devices is displayed as a calendar block list. 

The Calendar view shows your starred events by default, but you can also use the top dropdown list to view starred and public search lists. This view displays an easy-to-read grid of days on which events take place.

This view allows you to create events in the displayed locations by using the create event create event icon icon in the calendar grid. If your institution instance has Express Scheduling set up, using the create event Create event icon icon for any configured location will bring up the Express Scheduling form for quick event creation. Use the Open in Form button to use the Event Form to create your event instead.

Additionally, if your event has registration available, users can register directly from the calendar event.

Register link on a calendar eventImage: Users can use the Register link on the event to navigate to the registration form. 

Reminder: Expand Your View to Related Locations

You can use the Related Locations checkbox to expand the displayed results.

Note: All Day Events

Events that run from midnight to midnight (excluding additional time) in your user preference timezone will display on calendars All Day events.

All Day green banner example on a calendar eventImage: Example of an All Day event banner on a calendar event.

An event is considered an all day event in the region where the event takes place. If your timezone is different from the system timezone or another user’s timezone, the banner will not apply when using the "All Day" flag in the event form.

The Availability view is a specific to location availability and and consists of three main parts:

  • Availability toolbar at the top, including a dropdown with favorited and public location searches
  • List of all search locations along the left with the option to star or unstar each.
  • The availability grid with the display of hours or dates along the top of the grid
    • A vertical bar advances across the grid (updating every 2 minutes) indicating the current time to help differentiate past and future events
    • This view allows you to not only view availability for specified dates/hours, but also see utilization and create events for the displayed locations during the hours in the grid by using the create event Create event icon icon in the grid squares.
    • If your institution instance has Express Scheduling set up, using the create event Create event icon icon for any configured location will bring up the Express Scheduling form for quick event creation. Use the Open in Form button to use the Event Form to create your event instead.

Clicking on a location from the left-hand list will take you to a location availability grid, which has similar controls, but is specific to one location.

Tip: Quickly Scroll to Top

When navigating availability grids, you can use the Scroll to Top () icon in the bottom-right corner to quickly go to the top of the grid