

25Live Accounting

25Live Accounting

A web-based tool available with 25Live that lets users track and modify all invoice/payment transactions for each account client sponsoring 25Live events; functionality includes invoicing and other accounts receivable reports.

Administration Utility

25Live Administration Utility

The web-delivered tool used by 25Live data managers and functional administrators to manage new or existing objects (events, locations, resources, organizations, and reports), set up pricing, perform academic scheduling functions, set task email notification policies, and more. - Use the Series25 Group Administration tool for security - Some Administration tasks can also be performed in the 25Live Pro System Settings


25Live Publisher

The web-based tool provided with 25Live that allows calendars of events from the Series25 database to be easily assembled, formatted, and embedded at appropriate locations on an institution’s website and elsewhere. See also "spud".

Viewer Seat

25Live Viewer Seat

The user whose working environment determines the functionality and information available to non-sign-in, “view-only” users in 25Live. The 25Live Viewer Seat is set up in Series25 Group Administration, ideally as the sole user in its own “Viewer Seat” security group. Setup for the Seat controls the events, locations, and resources casual users can access and the user preferences that apply to the 25Live environment displayed to any user prior to sign-in. The 25Live Viewer Seat is specified during configuration of the WebServices ASV for 25Live.


Alien UID

Alien UID

The Series25 unique identifier of an event created in a third-party system that shares data with the Series25 system.



A type of workflow notification that is a request to sanction the action that has triggered the notification. The action requiring approval is the attachment of a data item to an event. The contacts who receive a request for approval are specified during data preparation. The Task List is used to find Outstanding approval requests directed to a user. See also "notification".

Assignment Policies

Assignment Policies

Policies that specify which security groups can assign individual spaces or resources to events and when. Assignment Policies are maintained in the Series25 Group Administration tool.



The verification of the identity of a user or process. User authentication may be performed, for example, during logon to 25Live, Series25 LYNX Interface, etc. 25Live WebServices can be configured to facilitate a connection to a third-party, remote authentication server. See also "LDAP" and "Shibboleth".


Back-to-Back Binding

Back-to-Back Binding

Multiple reservations that occur sequentially. Such reservations are identified based on selection criteria you define; for example, all events taught by the same instructor occurring no more than 10 minutes apart. The reservations bound in a relationship must use the same space assignments. Binding back-to-back reservations is performed in Lynx as part of a term import from the Student Information System (SIS) or in the Administration Utility for schools not yet utilizing Lynx.



Specifies dates and times when a space is not available, for example, due to holiday closure. By default, blackouts are represented as solid black time slots on an availability view in 25Live. Blackouts are defined for selected spaces to specify when those spaces cannot be assigned by security groups who normally have the right to assign them or by Schedule25. Blackouts can be overridden on the Event Form by schedulers who have the appropriate functional security permission. Blackout times are not counted for space utilization purposes.


A list of numbers used to break locations or events into separate groups. For example, a breakpoint list of 0, 20, 40, 60 could be used to identify locations with capacity 0-19, 20-39, 41-59, and 60+.




The container for a branch of the event structure, consisting of the cabinet itself, its folders, and the related events that are created in 25Live over time or imported from the student information system (SIS). Cabinets and folders are created during data preparation. Best Practice is to have fewer (ideally, one) cabinet and folder.

Campus Partitions

Campus Partitions

Mutually exclusive location groupings, usually established by area of campus, buildings, floors of buildings, or space type (for example, large lecture halls). The establishment of campus partitions is particularly important for Schedule25 Optimizer processing because Schedule25 uses the partition preferences of departments and individual events to satisfy location preferences in its space assignment process.



An event state in which the event cannot normally be changed or restored to an editable state. When an event is saved in this state, all its location or resource assignments are released for reassignment. A user with the appropriate functional security can "uncancel" an event.


A descriptor that can be assigned to an Event or Space for purposes of grouping, retrieving, and reporting.



An event state in which an event can be edited, and the state changed. The exact meaning of the Confirmed state is determined by the business practices at each school.



A defined restriction on when events can, or cannot, occur. For example, a constraint might prevent the creation of academic events during Christmas break, or restrict reservations for Continuing Education events to 5 p.m. and later. Constraints are defined at the cabinet or the folder level and apply to all the events created within. There are two types of constraint: Exclude Dates, and Warning.

Contact Role

Contact Role

A function that a contact might perform in relation to an event or event sponsor. Contact roles are specified during data preparation, for organizations and for events.

Criteria Set

Criteria Set

A search specification that you create by first clicking the Add Criteria for a new or selected search on the Search screen. From the Add Criteria menu options, you select and define the details for that search requirement. A criteria set may include a single criterion or more as defined for that option.



Classes related by curriculum, that may or may not occur at the same time but must use the same space(s). 25Live handles cross-listed classes as binding space reservations. Schedule25 also recognizes cross-listed classes and handles them appropriately.

Custom Attributes

Custom Attributes

Customer-created data fields used to define additional information for events, locations, resources, organizations, and contacts. Each custom attribute has a defined data type which determines the kind of data users must enter in the field. Event custom attributes must be attached to individual event types in the System Settings Event Type Hierarchy before they’re eligible to appear in the 25Live Event Form during creation of an event of a specified type. In addition, specifying the event, location, resource, and organization custom attributes to make available in 25Live to users with limited security access to master definitions is part of the configuration process performed in 25Live System Settings.




Provides a customizable quick access working space within 25Live to easily access the following elements: Express Scheduling, Quick Search, Find Available Locations, Create an Event, Your Upcoming Events, Your Draft Events, Recently Viewed, Tasks, Your Starred Event Searches, Your Starred Location Searches, Your Starred Resource Searches, Your Starred Reports, Your Starred Events, Your Starred Locations, and Your Starred Resources.

Data Filter

A set of criteria which narrow down the data in a snapshot for use with specific metrics or reports.

Data Inheritance

Data Inheritance

The process of having certain types of data automatically applied downward in the event structure. Events inherit data directly from the cabinet or folder that is their immediate parent. For example, data inheritance can be used to automatically apply a constraint to prevent any activities on campus during winter break. The constraint could be defined at either the cabinet or folder level. If it were created at the cabinet level, the folders would need to inherit the data from the cabinet before events in a folder could, in their turn, inherit the constraint.

Date-Time Definition

Date-Time Definition

The definition of the dates and times for a reservation or constraint. These two types of date and time definition, or “profile,” together define the reservation occurrences for a specific event activity. For example, a reservation defines a History Class that occurs every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. throughout the Fall Semester, but an Exclude constraint blocks the occurrence on Thanksgiving Thursday.

Default Event State

Default Event State

The Event State automatically applied to all newly created events and is defined in System Settings. See Event State Default.



An event state in which the event cannot normally be changed or restored to an editable state. A user with the appropriate functional security may change the event state to undo the denial. The exact meaning of the Denied state is determined by the business practices at your school.



An event state that allows the scheduler to create and save event information in the Event Form, without committing it to the event structure. Any assignments a scheduler has made are released when he or she saves an event in the Draft state, although they are retained as preferences that may be used later to check availability and assign those same locations and resources.


Event Contact Role

Event Contact Role

Associated with individual event types during data preparation, event contact roles are accessed in the Contacts editor of the Event Form when the event is created. Schedulers specify the appropriate contacts for event contact roles (for example, Student Organizer or Emergency Contact) when they complete the information being tracked with an event. The system-supplied Scheduler and Requestor contact roles are automatically included in the Customers form for every event.

Event Form

Event Form

The form you use to create events, edit events, check the availability of locations and resources in various date and time scenarios, and generate price quotations in response to customer inquiries.

Event Preferences

Items that can be preferred but not yet assigned in the Event Details view, Occurences section for Features, Partitions, Locations, and/or Resources.

Event Requestor

Event Requestor

The person sponsoring an event or acting as the primary contact for the event. For purposes of data integration, the person logged into the third-party application.

Event Scheduler

Event Scheduler

The person entering the event in the system or the approver of the location in which the event is scheduled.

Event State

Event State

An event’s current state of planning or completion. Depending on how your 25Live instance might be customized and/or your security group permissions, the options for event state are: Draft, Tentative, Sealed, Denied, Cancelled

Event Type

Event Type

A designation that identifies the kind of event (for example, class section, meeting, performance) and includes any event data that has been defined for that type. Once assigned to an event and saved, the event type cannot be changed, except by users with functional security rights to Inline Editing.

Event Type Hierarchy

Event Type Hierarchy

The blueprint for where 25Live events are saved and accessed, and how they’re managed on your campus. Among the criteria defined during data preparation in the Event Type Hierarchy in the 25Live System Settings are the types of events that can be created in what context, and the event contact roles, categories, custom attributes, requirements, and other characteristics that can be attached to events of a particular type.

Event Type Report

Event Type Report

A report that can be generated for an event or an event draft only if the report was specified for the event type during data preparation. Event type reports include the Event Estimate, Event Invoice, and Confirmation Notice reports.

Expected Head Count

(EHC) The projected number of attendees for an event, typically based on a section's maximum enrollment in the student information system.

Extract Set

Extract Set

The tool in the Series25 LYNX Interface that is used to define which classes should be sent to 25Live and then later updated with assigned locations in the SIS.




School-specific attributes that are created for locations in the 25Live System Settings Master Definitions, then attached to individual locations.

Fill Ratio

Fill Ratio

The percentage of seats that should be filled by any event occupying a location. Used in the Series25 Optimizer.

Functional Administrator

Functional Administrator

A 25Live user who has a senior data management role setting up, managing, and configuring the 25Live user environment.

Functional Security

Functional Level Security (FLS)

Security that controls security group access to 25Live functional areas, including event scheduling, data maintenance, security administration, system maintenance, and integrations.


Head Count

The number of attendees for an event. Represented by two values, EHC (expected) and RHC (registered). Both head counts, or either (or none), may be included in a 25Live Event Form configuration.




School-specific room setups that are created for locations in the 25Live Master Definitions section, then attached to individual locations. Each layout can have a unique capacity that is less than or equal to the location maximum capacity. A photo and/or diagram can be attached to each layout for each location.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

A standard protocol for organizing directory hierarchies and interfacing to online directory servers. The system provides a simplified application programming interface (API) for use with an LDAP authentication server to authenticate 25Live users.



A named room or other facility that can be assigned to an event or event occurrence. Locations can include a wide variety of characteristics, including formal name, physical features, layouts, categories, relationships to other spaces, and custom attributes. At minimum, each Location has a name and maximum capacity.

Location Assignment

Location Assignment

The Location that has been reserved for a specified event date and time.

Location Preference

Location Preference

When an event is saved in the Draft state in 25Live, any location selected for the event is retained as a “preference” and may be used in the search for location availability by the 25Live user completing the event.

Location Relationship

Location Relationship

The defined interdependence among two or more spaces. Location relationships are defined during data preparation and can be any of the following: - Also Assign—when this location is assigned, also assign these other spaces. - Blocked By—this location can’t be assigned for the same date/time as this other space; it’s blocked by it. - Close To—this space is close to these spaces either literally or conceptually. - Divides Into—this space divides into these other spaces. - Subdivision Of—this space is a subdivision of this larger space.

Location Scheduler

Location Scheduler

Set a default Location Scheduler to automatically route new events that request the location to that scheduler.


a lightweight Java application which exchanges data between those tables and the hosted Series25 database


Master Definitions

Master Definitions

Data elements created to define and describe each of the different objects within 25Live: events, locations, resources, organizations. Examples of master definition lists include event contact roles, event categories, event custom attributes, location custom attributes, resource categories, and so on.


A simple visual representation of data on the X25 Analytics dashboard.


Naturalized Event

Naturalized Event

An event, formerly “alien,” whose shared event data is no longer controlled by 25Live import processing options. Authorized users can “naturalize” alien events when appropriate.



A notification may be sent to a 25Live user based on the assignment of any of the following to an event: a location, resource, organization, event type, or requirement. The notification policy defined for the relevant item during data preparation specifies the individual or individuals that need to receive a notification when an event using the data item is created or changed. A notification may be either of two types: Approval or Information Only. Notifications are tracked, opened, and completed by first selecting a task view in the Task List.


Object Security

Object Level Security (OLS)

Security that controls security group access to individual 25Live objects, including spaces, resources, cabinets, folders, events, organizations, and reports.


A single instance of an event activity.

Occurrence State

Occurrence State

An event occurrence’s status: Active or Cancelled

Open and Close Times

Open and Close Times

Define, for each day of the week, when a space is open and closed (locked). During the time period a space is open, it’s potentially available for assignment to events. Open/close and blackout times are defined for selected spaces in the 25Live location details views.


The Schedule25 Optimizer is CollegeNET's advanced room placement algorithm which makes recommendations for classroom assignments based on departmental preference, individual section requirements, and overall utilization.



A named department, group, or other entity that creates, manages, and/or sponsors events. Organizations can include information such as type, addresses, associated contacts, and location preferences. At minimum, each Organization has a name. The appropriate organizations are associated with events.

Organization Rating

Organization Rating

Organizations may be assigned ratings to describe their performance as a customer. Organization ratings are defined during data preparation and updated in organization records as appropriate. They may be displayed automatically in Event Form when an organization is assigned to an event. The system administrator may designate which ratings make an organization ineligible to sponsor an event.


Partition Preferences

Partition Preferences

The Optimizer uses the primary organization of each section in your event search results to determine which organizations (departments), and their associated data, should be included in the run. As part of that data, each organization should contain that organization's partition preferences. The most important role each section's primary organization plays during Optimizer processing is to determine not only where the section can be placed, but where it prefers to be placed based on the partition preferences of its primary organization. To accomplish this, you must first select and rank the partition preferences of each organization. Every active partition you create is available in the list of options. For each organization, you can create and rank up to four partition preference groups, each including one or more partitions.



A type of "reservation" created to hold a new location or resource assignment while the 25Live user finishes creating or editing the event. Such temporary reservations prevent another user from scheduling the same location or resource at the same time. The 25Live System Settings section lets an administrator view and remove any pending reservations/assignments that may be held in error due to browser failure during event creation or editing.

Pricing Date

Pricing Date

The latest date of rate schedules that may be applied to pricing in the event Pricing view. (The "effective date" of eligible rate schedules must be the same as, or earlier than, the event pricing date.)

Primary Organization

Primary Organization

The main Organization associated with an event used wherever a single organization is needed to provide information about the event.

Public Search

Public Search

A search created under the account of the defined Public Search User. These searches can be used by all 25Live users to assist them in finding information or viewing calendars within 25Live.

Public Search Username

Public Search Username

A user-specified to control the 25Live environment in just one way: The Public Search user’s public searches are listed as searches for displaying content to all users on the 25Live dashboard and as “Public” searches available in Pre-Defined Searches on the search page and in the Event Form.


Quick Search

Quick Search

The method of finding and viewing records for events, locations, resources, or organizations by using keyword(s).


Rate Group

Rate Group

Specifies the kind of organization/client that is paying for an event line item; for example, business/for-profit, university-affiliated, or non-profit. Applicable pricing formulas for each rate group are defined in each rate schedule.

Rate Schedule

Rate Schedule

Specifies the pricing criteria that apply to items of a kind: either event types, requirements, locations, or resources. The pricing date specified for an event determines which rate schedules are available for selection for each item being invoiced. A single rate schedule is selected for each item with pricing attached (the default rate schedule is the one with the latest date falling before or on the event pricing date).

Reference Number

Reference Number

The unique, internal identifier for an event, which does not change. You can use this value to “quick search” for an event.

Registered Head Count

The actual number of attendees for an event, typically based on a section's enrollment data in the student information system.

Related Events

Related Events

Relating events lets you specify that certain events are related in a way that is significant to your school’s business practices – for example, a Conference, a Film Festival, or Homecoming. The relationship among related events does not affect the data, but enables you to manage events as a group for actions like copying or editing all or some of the events, viewing all related events in the Calendar view of a single event in the relationship, or including all related events in a single report.



Something needed by the overall event, independent of the individual event activities, for example, a contract for an instructor or a parking pass. Any pricing associated with a requirement is calculated only once for the entire event. There are two types of Requirements: Calendar and Other.



Something that needs to be provided (and possibly priced) for individual occurrences of an event—such as catering, equipment, or security and other personnel. The categories to which a resource belongs are defined during data preparation. Stock totals can be tracked by resource and are decremented automatically with use.

Resource Relationship

Resource Relationship

The defined interdependence among two or more resources. Relationships are defined for a resource during data preparation, and can include: - Also Assign—when this resource is assigned, also assign this other resource. - Substitute With—if the requested resource is not available, give the scheduler the option to substitute with this other resource.

Routing Rule

Routing Rule

A set of selection criteria for placement of events of a specified event type in the appropriate cabinet/folder location. 25Live uses a default routing rule based on a combination of cabinet/folder structure and Object Level Security and are applied when events are saved in the Event Form or imported from the SIS.




An event state in which the event cannot be changed. The state can be changed by a system administrator with special security rights, however, to allow the scheduler to make additional changes to the event.

Security Group

Security Group

A group of 25Live users who share a common set of access and/or assignment rights to functionality and data. There are two default groups: System Administrators and Users. Group rights and membership can be modified and additional groups can be added, as needed.

Group Administration

Series25 Group Administration

The web-delivered tool used by system or functional administrators to create new 25Live user groups, edit the functional rights of existing user groups, as well as updating user group members.


Series25 LYNX Interface

The fast, web-based interface available for any SIS to interface with the Series database.

Shared Location

Shared Locations

Describes a location being used by more than one activity at the same time. Schedulers specify whether they are willing to share a location with another event—with no formal relationship—when they assign the space to a reservation. The decision is occurrence-specific and can be changed by modifying the information for an occurrence.



The Shibboleth® System is a standards-based, open-source software package, which may be used to support single sign-on user authentication for 25Live.


Event and location data captured from 25Live at a specific moment in time. Snapshots can also be formed from the results of modeling simulations, including those with transformations.



A widget set up using 25Live Publisher to present calendar data on your website. Spuds behave like portals on your web pages, drawing event/location data directly from your Series25 database—once feeds have been sent to Publisher from 25Live—and format information from the calendar’s publish settings in Publisher. Once the calendar is live online, any changes in the related 25Live data or your Publisher calendar setup are reflected automatically in the embedded spud. Control spuds may be embedded along with calendar spuds to help the user navigate the calendar; promotional spuds allow calendar data to be embedded in various “tickler” type formats such as crawlers or scrolling lists. The embeddable code generated for a spud is a snippet of JavaScript.

Standard Schedule

A set of meeting patterns representing ideal time blocks for scheduling. Can be used to analyze which sections in a term conform to your institution's best practices.

System Administrator

System Administrator

A 25Live user who has access to all system functionality, including the ability to create and activate/deactivate users, assign security access to user groups, modify the system definitions and defaults, and override permissions for 25Live objects.

System Security

System Security

The security that controls access to the 25Live application modules via unique username and password. Additional security may be implemented using various single sign-on platforms.

System Settings

System Settings

25Live features a System Settings menu to allow administrators to conveniently adjust some settings without needing to leave 25Live for another Series25 tool. Included in the System Settings are the following functions: masquerading as another user, configuring the theme, setting default event form help, setting additional event form options, allowing segments, event save email configurations, creating and editing email templates, embedded content, grid coloring, blackout management, managing custom attributes, and event form rules.


Task List

Task List

A 25Live form that allows users to view and track the receipt and completion of the various types of workflow tasks addressed by and to them and others. The tasks that are visible in the Task List at any given time are determined by the view definition selected or created by the user.



An event state in which an event can be edited, and the state changed. The exact meaning of the Tentative state is determined by each customer's business practices.

Time Mapping

A modeling transformation which converts all of a term's meeting patterns into ones that conform to a standard schedule.

To Do

To Do

A request for an action that the scheduler creates for an event and assigns to a 25Live contact. A general To Do (not related to any event) can be created from the Task List.

Tree Map

A visual representation of snapshot data where events and locations are drawn as rectangles inside a larger square shape. The larger the individual rectangle, the larger its head count or capacity.


User Preferences

User Preferences

A set of definitions that govern various aspects of the 25Live user environment. The user can set preferences for a selection of formatting and display criteria and defaults. User preferences override the system defaults for an individual user login.



WebServices API

By means of the CollegeNET proprietary Series25 WebServices API, the solution can be fully integrated with other third-party technologies such as digital signage, room panels, Google Calendar, HVAC systems, door locking/unlocking systems, event registration systems, and more. Included with the Series25 solution at no additional charge, Series25 WebServices provides an alternate access path to the Series25 database. The 25Live online event scheduling, request, the Series25 LYNX Interface, and publishing tool has been built using the Series25 WebServices API.



In 25Live, an automated notification and response process that allows users to track the progress of task requests for services, approvals, and space/resource assignments required for events and their individual activities. Users and Service Providers use the Task List to find out about outstanding items in their workflow. Schedulers use their workflow to find out whether the tasks assigned when they saved an event have been “completed.”


X25 Project

A "container" for snapshots in X25 Analytics, used for grouping them together.