Managing Payments in 25Live

Security Note:

Manage Payment functionality is only visible to users with appropriate Functional Security permissions.

Authorized users can request and track payments through the Manage Payments window of any event's pricing tab, in instances with the Stripe integration enabled.

Requesting Payment

1. Navigate to Your Event in 25Live

In 25Live, navigate to the pricing tab of your event. To manage payments, the event must have a pricing set available. If one is not available, you will need to create one.

2. Click Manage Payments

Click the Manage Payments button to open the Send Request window.

Image: Use the Manage Payments button to request a payment.

3. Enter the Payment Information

  • Use the Payment Type dropdown to update the type to Deposit, Balance, or Misc.
    • Only one instance of each type is allowed. 
  • Choose whether to request an exact Amount or a Percentage of the remaining balance. 
  • Enter the requested payment amount or percentage in the text field.
    • The Request Amount will automatically reflect this update.
The payment information is on the left side of the send request tabImage: Set the payment information on the left-hand side of the Send Request tab.

4. Enter the Email Information

  • Enter the email address of the user you are sending the request to and the email address that you'd like the request sent from.
  • Make any necessary updates to the Subject and Message Body.
    • The paymentLink variable {{paymentLink("here")}} in the default text of the Message Body will generate a link that takes the user directly to the Stripe payment page that was set up in System Settings > Integrations. The following example shows how the message in Step 3 will be displayed in an email:
The paymentlink variable creates a link in the email that goes to the payment page of your Stripe accountImage: The email text from step 3 generates a link to make a payment.

5. Review and Send the Request

Review the email message and requested payment amount. Click the Send Request button to email the request.

Help With Sending or Receiving Payments

All funds are transferred through Stripe and the connected third-party banking systems. If payments sent through Stripe were not received, please check your Stripe account or reach out to Stripe directly:

Tracking and Editing Request and Payment History

1. Navigate to Your Event in 25Live

In 25Live, navigate to the pricing tab of your event.

2. Open the Payment History

Click the Manage Payments button to open the payment request window. Then tap the History tab.

This table will show all of the past requests and payments associated with this event. 
Status with usernameImage:
The History tab will show all past payments. 
User activity and date of payment can be displayed under the Status column.

Scan the columns for more information about past payments, such as deadline, status, etc. User activity and date of payment may be displayed under the Status column when a user marks a row as paid.

3. Add or Void Payments

  • To void a payment, simply click the Void button in the right-hand column.
  • Use the text field to add a reason for voiding and tap Void to submit the change.
The void panel populates after clicking the void buttonImage: Use the red Void button and enter a reason for voiding.
  • To add a payment, enter a payment Amount and a Description.
  • Then update the Type to Deposit, Balance, or Misc.
  • (Optional) Enter the ID of any voided payment in the Replace Voided ID text field to replace it.
  • Tap Add Payment to submit your change
The ID column of the history tableImage: Enter the ID number of the payment you'd like to void in the Replacing Voided ID field.