05/16/2024 - 25Live

  • New - 25Live now includes allows payment processing through Stripe
  • New - Advanced searching now includes the option to search for events by meeting pattern
  • New - Users can now schedule emails from the More Actions menu of Event Details pages, as well as from the Event Save Emails section of System Settings
  • New - Event audit trails now include the content of emails sent from events
  • New - Five additional Document Scope options are available in Document Management, giving users even more options for easy document creation 
    • Event Listing - Excel, Reservations by Date - Excel, Location Listing - Excel, Resource Listing - Excel, & Organization Listing - Excel
  • Additional Fixes and Improvements:
    • Primary organizations, additional organizations, and resources are now added to events when Event Form Rules are applicable—even when those form fields are hidden
    • Fixed issue where the Pricing tab could encounter a loading issue if a user clicked on the event from the results of a pre-existing search after having recently visited the same Pricing tab
    • The Create Type button has been removed from the editing page of Master Definitions > Event Types
    • Event Form Rules no longer unexpectedly change the quantity of resources that are already assigned
    • Pricing tab tables now include an Outstanding Balance column
    • Corrected the permissions required to see the "Cancel Request" task button
    • Event Save Email scenarios with no “Trigger Template Actions” options selected will no longer unexpectedly send emails that should trigger for “All Notification Policy Approvals Complete”
    • Clicking the caret icon to update the Additional Contact field on Event Details pages will no longer remove the field
    • Users can now select specific days of the week as the Event Details property in the Event Form Rules
    • Task action buttons now consistently display on a single line
    • Credit Account code and Debit Account code fields have had their character limits increase from 20 characters to 60 in System Settings > Pricing Settings
    • Fixed issue where printing the default invoice from an event would result in a blank report if the invoice was being pulled from Document Management
    • Color consistency improvements have been made to availability views when users enable Dark Mode
    • Fixed issue where overlapping events could be hidden when viewing availability grids from mobile devices
    • Improvements made so that approving/assigning tasks in quick succession doesn't populate an error message
  • Patch 05/17/2024
    • Removed the warning that would pop up when a resource that the user did not have object security rights to see was automatically added to the event form by an Event Form Rule, while using a form that did not have resources configured to visible
    • When adding a scheduled email to an event, the Schedule Email information no longer stays at the bottom of the event page when switching to other tabs
  • Patch 05/20/2024
    • Increased the default width of the Respond By column in the task search results 
    • Fixed issue where, occasionally, the primary organization could disappear from the event form upon editing an existing event
    • Fixed issue where the rate schedule error "Please enter a formula expression" could prevent the save of unrelated price sheets