Updated Articles

  1. Managing Payments in 25Live Updated

    Security Note: Manage Payment functionality is only visible to users with appropriate Functional Security permissions . Authorized users can request and track payments through the Manage Payments window of any event's pricing ...
  2. 06/27/2024 - 25Live New

    Note: Feature Upvote Works! Many of the issues in this release, as well as improvements in other Series25 applications, are based on your customer requests on the Series25 Feature Upvote site. Learn About Using Series25 Featur...
  3. 06/28/2024 - 25Live Reports New

    For more details about all reports mentioned, visit the 25Live Standard Reports Reference page. Payment information has been added to the Pricing Set Invoice The Group Security - Excel report has been updated with new administrative and pay...
  4. Creating Events With the Event Form

    You need to sign in with a valid username/password to create an event. As the creator of an event, you may be performing either of these roles: The Scheduler   with specific security permissions to save the event to the databas...
  5. Creating Events with Express Scheduling

    What is Express Scheduling? Express Scheduling is an easy, direct way to schedule simple events at your institution. This quick form is best used with common spaces that are immediately available for scheduling without the need for additional a...
  6. Requesting Cancellation of an Event

    After a user creates an event in 25Live, sometimes things change. An event requester without permissions to change the Event State can ask for cancellation of the event. Security Note This functionality requires the user to be granted the fol...
  7. Viewing Location Details

    Security Note What you can see and do in this application depends on the security permissions associated with your 25Live user account. In addition, if your user does not have permission Basic: 8.0 View Contacts in Series25 Group Administrat...
  8. Viewing Resource Details

    Security Note What you can see and do in this application depends on the security permissions associated with your 25Live user account. In addition, if your user does not have permission Basic: 8.0 View Contacts  in Series25 Group Admini...
  9. Quick Searching for Events, Locations, Organizations, Resources, Tasks, and Contacts

    Looking to make an Advanced Search? Learn how to use advanced search options here: Advanced Searching for Events, Locations, Organizations, Resources, and Tasks Using the Dashboard Quick Search Security Note To enable searching for y...
  10. Deleting Events

    Security Note To delete events, your user will need the following permission set for your user group in Group Administration : Basic: 2.4 Delete Events , as well as Edit, Delete, Copy object-level security for the event.  To Delete an E...