Updated Articles

  1. Remote Advanced Functional Administration

    Goal Assist schools in expanding their understanding of the unique system administration tools in 25Live and then implementing advanced events functionality. Description A CollegeNET trainer provides consulting regarding advanced administrativ...
  2. About Series25 Group Administration

    Series25 Group Administration The Central Tool for Managing Group Access Series25 Group Administration is a central place from which 25Live Administrators can set up and configure any aspect of the 25Live environment related to a g...
  3. Database Expansion

    Description Using the "train-the-trainer" model, functional administrators and key primary schedulers are trained and ready to use 25Live by the conclusion of this set of onsite and remote services. The customer may have additional tasks to complet...
  4. Portland Class - Using X25

    Goals By the end of this seminar, participants will be able to: Understand the metrics associated with the Scheduling Effectiveness, Inventory Fitness and Utilization reports Understand the issues, problems and questions that each report he...
  5. Portland Class - Functional Administrator Boot Camp

    Description Develop the skill set needed for maintaining a 25Live environment as a Functional Administrator. Learn the foundations of security, user management, day-to-day workflow, creating user training workshops, and many other topics related...
  6. On-Site Consulting

    Training and Consulting Options Why should I choose on-site consulting? Our implementation and training services are tailored to help your unique implementation of Series25 tools fit your needs. On-site consulting is available for retra...
  7. About Series25 WebServices

      Series25 WebServices API Fully Documented, Complete API for Integration The fully documented Series25 WebServices API can help you integrate Series25 tools with third-party technologies. Many Series25 customers are currently impleme...
  8. Contact Us

  9. In-Portland Classes

    Training and Consulting Options What are the benefits of a Portland class versus a Remote training? Both options have some great benefits but taking a class in Portland allows you to train and gain insight from other Colleges and Univer...
  10. Training Opportunities

    This page is your central hub for all Series25 training resources. Items might include PDF documents, web pages, and other helpful information. If you're looking for more general information, please see the main 25Live Customer Resources ...